The Micro-Cohort, '0 to 1', Hyper-Accelerator for Ethical Founders.

Tech for Good; Ethical Ventures for People & Planet.

Core areas of Impact:

  • Ethical Finance
  • Education
  • Health
  • Sustainability

Problem: Finance & innovation drive most sectors, most of the time. The results are not always positive.

Solution: Focus on Ethical & Sustainable Fintech innovation for positive impact (alongside other key areas of Education, Health and Sustainability).

Ethos backs new, bold, 'Ethical by Design' start-ups, led by creative, fearless, ethical founders, committed to solving big social problems (environmental problems are social problems too), via 'Strategic Sustainable Design' and Impact Investment. 


Summer Cohort 2024

Applications open:   4 June

Meet with us over Chai or Cahva. hello@ethos.cam


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